
Showing posts from October, 2017

Donor Darah power point

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Danau Toba dalam bahasa Inggris

LAKE TOBA Long  time ago, there lived a young man in the North of Sumatra. One day, he went fishing in the river and he go a golden fish. He took it to his home. At home, he was surprised that the fish change into a beautiful girl. He felt in love with that girl, so he asked to marry her. She accepted him, and than she said “but you must keep a promise not to tell anybody that I am a golden fish”. Finally they married and have a child named samosir. Went he was seventh years old, he became naughty and very lazy boy. One day, his mother talk samosir to bring the lunch box to his father but he rejected because he wanted to play. And than his mother was angry so Samosir brought it forcefully. On the way, he felt hungry and he ate the lunch that he had brought little by little. When him arrived in the field, he gave the luch box to his father. When his father opened it, the box was empty and his father was angry and said to him that he was the son of the fish. Samosir was sad a

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