Vista is still ringing by the words Salsa "In South Korea, really exciting .. fitting time I come snow season fit, iihh nice bangett ...". Vista wants to go there. However, what the power of his parents alone is not a person.
"Vistaa, what's up again? Mother have good news for you .. "call Mother. Vista is singing the song EXO LOTTO was immediately wake up from his mattress. "Well, what is Mother?" Asked Vista while plucking the strawberry wafers provided Bi Love. "There is a story writing competition, loh. The winning national level can tour Japan or tour Switzerland. As long as the two countries are again winter season .. "replied Mother while sipping tea.
"Waah .. Vista want deh Mother. Send the short story by what date? And tell where Bun is when the short story is finished? "Vista's pop was so happy. "Ouch, duhh ... ask one one dong .. send it no later than February 19, 2017. Daan, sent to email klombecerpen [-at-] gmail.com. Or it could also be sent by post. The post code is 7564 .. "said Mother.
"Okay, Mother. Vista want to make a short story first, yes .. "said Vista while rushing to his room. Vista immediately borrowed his brother's laptop, Ahmad. Incidentally Bang Ahmad is not there so can pake as much as Vista inner.
Ctak .. ctik .. Hands Vista shrewd in the affairs of typing. Within 2 hours, he has typed about 3 pages! Ckckck .. this hand what hand sihh?!.
Krieet .. the sound of the door open. Mother came in carrying chocolate pudding with white vla. "Let's eat first .. Mother made a special for Vista loh .. make Deck Celi same Mas Ahmad Bunda makein sanggar aja .." Mother persuasion. Yes, Vista has a six month old sister, Celica Azzahra Putri. If Vista does, Vista Cantika Azzahra. Mother, Azzahra Nisa Aulia.
"Yes, Mother .. Vista short story is so nih .. great right? Directly sent just yes, Mother .. "said Vista. Mother just nodded and looked into the laptop, "What's the title, Vis?". "Oh, yes forget to write the title .. momentarily Mother .." said Vista while typing the title. Apparently, the title is ... Jreng jreng jrengg ... 'Dream of Dreams'. "Waah, cool tuh. Just send it .. Vista jagain adek first ya .. let Mother who sendin "said Mother took over laptop. Vista nodded.
On February 24, 2017,
"Vistaa," called Mother. "Yes, Mother .. sebentaar .." shouted Vista is changing clothes. Shortly afterwards Vista came out wearing a purple line-striped white t-shirt and a purple lacy white skirt. "Ihh, beautiful child of Mother .." praise Mother. "Hehehe .." said Vista while installing a purple headband. "Writekids magazine has been published loh .." said Mother. "Hahh ?! Mother already bought what yet? Kan there announcement of the winner of the short story competition .. "cried Vista. "Yes Mother has bought anyway, let's open together .." Mother said while pat on purple velvet carpet, hinted at Vista to sit.
Then, Vista sat down. "Mother kok from champion Hope 3 to 1 not my name Mother?" Vista asked lethargic. "Hemm, we check first yes champion 1 to 3 .." invite Mother while opening the next sheet. Vista's gone, unable to see. "Haahh, alhamdulillahh .. Vista you champion 1!" Shrieked Mother.

"Waahh, right Mother?" Vista asked surprised, he immediately ran to Bundanya rushed. "Yes Vista .." said Mother while pointing the writing on the page. "On 29 February you go to Switzerland, ready to ready clothes .. until February 5 .." said Mother. Meanwhile, Vista is still gawking at the explanation Mother.


Vista masih saja terngiang ngiang oleh kata kata Salsa “Di Korea Selatan, seru banget.. masa pas aku datang pas musim salju, iihh enak bangett…”. Vista ingin sekali pergi ke sana. Namun, apa daya orangtuanya saja bukan orang berada.
“Vistaa, lagi apa sih? Bunda punya kabar bagus nih buat kamu..” panggil Bunda. Vista yang sedang menyanyikan lagu EXO LOTTO pun segera bangun dari kasurnya. “Yaa, ada apa Bunda?” tanya Vista sambil mencomot wafer stroberi yang disediakan Bi Cinta. “Ada lomba menulis cerpen, loh. Tingkat nasional yang menang dapat tour ke Jepang atau tour ke Switzerland. Mumpung dua negara itu lagi musim salju..” jawab Bunda sambil meneguk teh.
“Waah.. Vista mau deh Bunda. Kirim cerpennya paling lambat tanggal berapa? Dan kirim ke mana Bun kalau cerpennya sudah jadi?” berondong Vista saking senangnya. “Aduh, duhh… tanyanya satu satu dong.. kirimnya paling lambat tanggal 19 Februari 2017. Daan, dikirim ke email klombecerpen[-at-]gmail.com. Atau bisa juga dikirim lewat pos. Kode posnya 7564..” tutur Bunda.
“Oke deh, Bunda. Vista mau bikin cerpennya dulu, ya..” kata Vista sambil bergegas menuju kamarnya. Vista pun segera meminjam laptop abangnya, Ahmad. Kebetulan Bang Ahmad sedang tidak ada jadi bisa pake sepuasnya batin Vista.
Ctak.. ctik.. Tangan Vista lihai dalam urusan mengetik. Dalam waktu 2 jam, ia sudah mengetik sekitar 3 halaman! Ckckck.. ini tangan apa tangan sihh?!.
Krieet.. suara pintu terbuka. Bunda masuk sambil membawa puding coklat dengan vla putih. “Ayo dimakan dulu.. Bunda buat khusus untuk Vista loh.. buat Dek Celi sama Mas Ahmad Bunda buatin sanggar aja..” bujuk Bunda. Ya, Vista mempunyai adik yang berumur 6 bulan yaitu Celica Azzahra Putri. Kalau Vista sih, Vista Cantika Azzahra. Bunda, Azzahra Nisa Aulia.
“Iya, Bunda.. bunda cerpen Vista sudah jadi nih.. hebat kan? Langsung dikirim saja ya, Bunda..” kata Vista. Bunda hanya mengangguk lalu melongok ke laptop, “Judulnya apa, Vis?”. “Oh, iya lupa tulis judulnya.. sebentar ya Bunda..” kata Vista sambil mengetik judul. Rupanya, judulnya… Jreng jreng jrengg… ‘Musim Salju Impian’. “Waah, keren tuh. Langsung kirim saja.. Vista jagain adek dulu ya.. biar Bunda yang kirimin” kata Bunda mengambil alih laptop. Vista mengangguk.
Tanggal 24 Februari 2017,
“Vistaa,” panggil Bunda. “Iya, Bunda.. sebentaar..” teriak Vista yang sedang berganti baju. Tak lama kemudian Vista keluar memakai kaos ungu garis garis putih dan rok putih berenda ungu. “Ihh, cantiknya anak Bunda..” puji Bunda. “Hehehe..” kata Vista sambil memasang bando ungu. “Majalah Writekids sudah terbit loh..” kata Bunda. “Hahh?! Bunda sudah beli apa belum? Kan di situ ada pengumuman pemenang lomba cerpen..” seru Vista. “Iya Bunda sudah beli kok, yuk kita buka bareng..” kata Bunda sambil menepuk karpet beludru ungu, mengisyaratkan pada Vista untuk duduk.
Kemudian, Vista pun duduk. “Bunda kok dari juara Harapan 3 sampai 1 gak ada namaku Bunda?” tanya Vista lesu. “Hemm, kita cek dulu ya juara 1 sampai 3 nya..” ajak Bunda sambil membuka lembar berikutnya. Vista sudah beranjak, tak sanggup melihat. “Haahh, alhamdulillahh.. Vista kamu juara 1!” pekik Bunda.
“Waahh, benar Bunda?” tanya Vista terkejut, ia pun segera berlari tergopoh ke arah Bundanya. “Iya Vista..” kata Bunda sambil menunjuk tulisan di halaman itu. “Tanggal 29 Februari kamu pergi ke Switzerland, siap siap baju ya.. sampai tanggal 5 Februari..” kata Bunda. Sementara, Vista masih melongo mendengar penjelasan Bunda.


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